Lactose free milk is the first choice of nutritionists and health conscious people. Lactose is a kind of sugars mixed in milk. It’s naturally found in milk, that’s why it’s found in milk food like butter, cheese, card, ice-cream etc. Every animal’s milk contains lactose such as human’s milk, cow’s milk, goat’s milk etc. Lactose is one of the essential elements for increasing our body structure and capacity.
Generally, milk contains 2 to 8 percent lactose, the higher the lactose level, the sweeter the milk. It’s very effective for mental stability for children but when our stomach can not digest lactose, it’s called lactose intolerance. As a result of which various types of diseases occur like indigestion, stomach ache. Because of modern science and technology, people are now very aware of both the benefits and harms of lactogen.
Introduction to Milk
Generally, milk is a fluid collected from the mammary glands of mammals that occurs naturally and is used as food for the mammals. Milk is a highly nutritious food provided by the creator that fulfills all the nutritional needs of children. As they are not able to digest any other food, they have to take milk as their food and it is their only means of survival until they can completely eat other food.
Concept of Milk Collection
Humans love to dream creatively, like watching birds fly. They dreamed that one day we would fly, watching dolphins swim, they dreamed that one day they would swim in the salty waters of the blue sea. But it is very difficult to say who first thought that I would partake of the milk from the animal nursing her young.
Just hearing the word seems like an inhumane, right? Yet someone who thought like this and did so. An example comes to mind, if something good comes out of a bad deed then the deed was good. Today we are indebted to that inhuman person who first thought of stealing or taking away the milk of a baby mammals cub.
History of Milk Collection
This white liquid has an underlying history that is more than 10,000 years old. It was the Neolithic Age (8000 BC). Where there were famines, many religious beliefs, and historical stories. It is believed that the idea of collecting milk first came from present day Turkey. As people battled with hunger, famine swept across the country, and even the mother’s breast had no milk.
Effects of Excess Lactose
At that time, some people used to collect milk from animals to save the children and feed them. The babies could not tolerate the excess lactose in the milk so there were many diseases including diarrhea and cholera, many children died. They didn’t know how to make lactose free milk like today’s modern civilization.
Blind Faith and Superstitions
It was then considered as the curse of animals. They didn’t stop there though, they strained the milk and made it thinner and somewhat made lactose free milk. The level of illness also decreases as a little heating kills the bacteria. Now children don’t die like before, smiles return to people’s faces, thousands and even millions of children survived for The caws. Adults started drinking milk with the babies and the cow played the role of mother of all.
The concept of curse is removed from the world, the new idea comes that the cow is sent by the creator as their mother. Thus takes shape from faith to religion. Even today, after thousands of years, cows are worshiped as mothers in India. The milk is drunk with care. It’s converted as lactose free milk as a consideration of your health, even as needed hundreds of types of foods are made from milk.
Role of Milk in Human Civilization
In today’s civilized society, no nutritious ideal food can be imagined without milk. Lactose free milk to meet the needs of newborns, milk for physical growth and brain development of children, milk for bone formation of young people, milk for maintaining physical capacity of old, where is milk not needed?
There is no substitute for milk in cooking delicious food, making biscuit cakes in bakeries, making sweets in sweet shops, making butter and ghee or to make different types of cheese and to flavoring curd.
What Can be Made from Milk?
Milk is not only the best food for the mammals but also one of the main sources of non-vegetarian food. Milk from domesticated animals such as cow’s milk is one of the main food sources for humans. Milk is processed to make a variety of foods including butter, cheese, curd and is also the main ingredient in ice cream, chocolate and Ghee.
Demand for Milk in the World
Currently, milk is one of the most demanded products in the world. Because of this demand there are millions of dairy farms made commercially all over the world. Different types of milks are used in different parts of the world, with cow’s milk being the most used in the western world.
Water buffalo and cow’s milk are the most consumed and used in Asia. Sheep and goat milk are commonly consumed in Europe and the Mediterranean region, while camel milk is consumed in the Middle East and North Africa.
Nutritional Value of Milk
Almost all mammals’ milk contains vitamins, minerals, calcium, protein, iron, lactose, carbohydrates and water. At the same time, milk is the main container and carrier of ammonia acid. Lactose and galactose are two of the main components of milk. This lactogen or lactose ensures the sweetness of milk. The special milk that is made by separating lactose from normal milk is called lactose free milk.
Lactose Free Milk
When lactose is separated from normal milk in a special process, after the separation the milk that remains is called lactose free milk. About 70% of people who drink milk today have some form of lactose intolerance. Generally 4 to 6 grams, sometimes slightly more or less per 100 ml of milk is lactose found.
Although it seems very small in quantity, after separating lactose too it remains in full calcium and contains a lot of vitamin C and protein. That is why the demand for lactose free milk is so high among the common people and the demand is increasing more day by day.
Separation of lactose from milk is a multi-step process and these steps have to be completed very carefully or else the whole effort will be thwarted. One thing we should remember is that we will isolate only the lactose from the milk and not isolate any nutritional properties of the milk.
The milk will be lactose free milk not nutrition free milk. Lactase is separated from milk at 55 to 80 °C using a cation exchange resin. The quality of milk and the quality of broken-lactose must be equal. When the lactose settles in the bottom of the milk, balancing is done with sufficient water.
The entire process has to be done by automated machines without the touch of hands and requires highly experienced milk experts. After the complete process the quality of milk is checked and if everything is fine it is packed in a certain weight and released in the market and reaches our hands.
Benefits of Lactose Free Milk
Lactose free milk has many benefits like it is very effective in building bones and teeth, it controls high blood pressure, you can prepare all kinds of milk food with it, it can be consumed by adults, it is less likely to cause acidity, etc. We will discuss the benefits of lactose free milk in detail in stages.
Storehouse of Calcium and Vitamin-D
Since lactose free milk is usually made from cow’s milk, it naturally contains high amounts of calcium and vitamin D, which are very beneficial for our bone formation. Calcium is very essential for our teeth and bones. A cup of dairy lactose free milk provides 30% of our daily calcium and 25% of our daily vitamin D needs. Keeping these benefits in mind, growing children should daily consume at least one glass of lactose free milk.
High Blood Pressure Regulate
Lactose free milk is very effective in keeping your heart functioning normally as it contains minerals and potassium which regulate blood pressure. Low fat does not increase fat in the heart so blood flow is normal.
Hygienic Milk
We all want to drink clean and healthy milk to avoid diseases and stay healthy. Lactose free milk is usually prepared from high quality cow’s milk of Australia and this milk is prepared by machines without touching any hands. For that reason it is most likely to be more hygienic.
Food Production
All the food products that we can prepare from regular milk we can also prepare from lactose free milk. Like making sweets from milk, making curd, making butter, making many delicious dishes like kheer. This milk we can use to prepare cake and to make biscuits in baccara also.
Milk for Adults
Although this milk is healthy and nutritious, do not feed it to children under twelve months of age. This milk is generally safe for adults to consume and does not pose any major health risks to you. People who have digestive problems due to acidity in normal milk will usually get rid of this problem if they drink lactose free milk.
Disadvantages of Lactose Free Milk
Every object in the world has equal action and reaction. We have known the advantages of lactose free milk now we will see if there are any disadvantages of lactose free milk. The price of this milk is high, this milk is not readily available, this milk is slightly less nutritious than normal milk, this milk has limitations, the amount of investment in commercialization of this milk is low, etc.
More Expensive Milk
You will have to spend a lot more money to buy lactose free milk than regular milk. This becomes difficult for many. Normally lactose free milk is available to buy and drink for the wealthy.
Not Easily Available
You can’t buy this milk from anywhere, it is usually available in urban areas, but in rural areas, the number of people who have not heard of this milk is very high. The truth is that this milk is not available everywhere so not available for everyone too.
Slightly Less Taste
Among those who are used to drinking milk, there is a large number of people who come to the market in search of sweetened milk. The taste of lactose free milk is slightly less than that of regular milk, so a large number of consumers turn away from it due to slightly less taste.
Slightly Less Nutrient Content
Lactose free milk is usually much lower in glucose, which reduces the nutrient content to some extent. Lactose free milk is not very popular with many people for this reason. Lactose-free milk naturally depletes some of the nutrients we need.
Environmental Effect
Lactose-free milk is usually produced in factories. During production, a part of the milk enters the environment as factory waste, which is minimally harmful to the environment. Because of lactose free milk the environment has an adverse effect.
Milk has been used as food by people since ancient times. Milk contains almost all the nutrients required by the human body. That is why milk is called the ideal nutritious food. Milk contains a substance called lactogen along with other nutrients. It is not digestible for everyone. Lactose free milk is made for those who cannot digest lactose.
Only lactose is separated from normal milk, no other nutrients are separated. Foods made from milk like kheer, pies, cakes, biscuits, sweets, curds, ghee, etc. can also be made by lactose free milk. Since lactose causes problems in our digestion, we will try to drink lactose free milk. In particular, let our children drink at least one glass of milk every day and encourage our elders to drink lactose free milk. We will also try to drink milk every day be it regular milk or lactose free milk.
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